Bully09 wrote: The meeting of the Wanderers. One a team on the up, one a team on the down. F*ck Bolton, they are soon to experience League 1 football. Be disappointed not to smash two or three past them without reply.
The Wolverhampton Norpig?
Molineux_Morris wrote: Le Fondre will score a hat-trick and take the p*ss
Sarah sounds bitter:
SarahLeggend wrote: Finally ditched my boyfriend from Bolton, when we win here he'll feel the pain I felt when he cheated on me with Lynda.
Unfortunately you're due nothing Mr Potato:
Jacket Potato wrote: I f**kin hate these tw*ts sick of always losing to em. We are due a win
Well, we have two more goals tonight. Thanks Wolves
Truth Will Out wrote: Bolton are a club in crisis. No money, no fans, no goals. We have to win this game if we expect to challenge the top 6. Lose this and it's going to be a long, long season.
Don't worry Gary, he'll miss:
Gary1972 wrote: Bolton are better than the stats suggest. Can't see Neil Lennon not having the players up for this one. That jailbird Madine will no doubt stick the boot into someones nuts when the ref isn't looking.
Hipner remembers the good old days:
Hipner Youth wrote: Over the years I've come to hate Bolton more than WBA the cocky northen c*nts- still hate that fat tw*t McGinlay
Bad news Arsemole, Super John is alive and well:
Arsemole wrote: I miss goading that fat tw*t McGinlay. I hope the cunt is long dead though
The game kicks off and Bolton take a 17th minute lead through Liam Feeney:
1-0 down already, f*ck off
Tw*ts, I had £25 on a clean sheet
f*ck off jacket, when will you learn?
I wet myself at the exact moment they scored. irony?
how the f*ck did that dwarf score?
I still hate Bolton
f*ck u feeney you shortarse cunt
F * C K O F F
glad I sold my ticket to my mum
I literally just kicked the cat
Oh please, why are we so predictable
suck on this feeney you c*cksucker
Daniel has the answer to Wolves poor defence:
Dizzy_Daniel wrote: Everytime I take a dump during game time we concede. I pray for constipation.
The stats don't lie:
LivingOnThePledge wrote: F*ckin typical. Bolton score 1 goal in 540 minutes of football, but 17 minutes against us and the ball is already in the net.
In west Philadelphia born and raised.....
Dreamer wrote: I'm not worried, they've got the Fresh Prince in their back four so goals are inevitable.
Smiler takes the wanderlust approach to viewing games:
Smiler83 wrote: Not seen the goal but that was shambolic defending
You end up looking silly if you make snap predictions when you're a goal down:
Steve Bull's Lovechild wrote: That's Bolton's goal for the game, it's all about us now. ALF is bound to score. 3-1 Wolves.
Ben doesn't do PC:
BigBen12 wrote: The wife is at her skanky sisters house. Who can I hit?
It's not just Nuts members who have internet breakdowns:
Lassie knows Bolton are becoming a Wolves bogey team:
Lassie_29 wrote: Our usual roll-over-and-die attitude continues at Bolton
But just as the Wolves fans are recovering from the shock of seeing a Bolton goal the unthinkable happens and Bolton have a chance for a second when the ref awards them a penalty:
Silva you diving tw*t
who taught him to dive like that?
Bolton have brought their own ref as usual
Skinny c*nt
never a penalty, cheating tw*ts
you utter w*nker ref
is the ref related to kevin davies
at least mcginlay won't take it
invade the pitch, get the game called off
diving little tw*t
Where do they get these officials
I'm quite mad
Andy has his Saturday night planned:
AndyPilling76 wrote: I'm making a referee voodoo doll while the X-Factor is on tonight
Grandpa is still bitter about 1997:
Uncle Grandpa wrote: Why do Bolton always have the officials in their pocket? It started when John McGinlay punched David Kelly and didn't even get booked, and has been going on ever since.
Zach Clough steps up and converts the penalty to put Bolton 2-1 up. Meltdown in Wolverhampton.
Utter c*unts
I feel sick
people are laughing at me
poor salt on my nuts and pull me off
did a schoolboy just take the penalty?
Same old Bolton, always cheating
Get the subs on Kenny
these tw*ts have doubled their tally for the season!
I'm going for a sh*t
I cut myself after games like this
did I say I f*cking hate bolton
laughable. absolutely laughable.
The half-time whistle goes and Benny is contemplating something extreme:
Benny From Crossroads wrote: Would it be bad sportsmanship to ring the Reebok Stadium and shout abuse at the receptionist?
King Poo isn't happy:
King Poo wrote: Can't believe we're two down to this shite. Embarrassing
Polly talks sense:
Polly1968 wrote: Bolton outplayed us for first 20 minutes, we got back in it but that goal before halftime is a killer.
Robbie doesn't talk sense:
Robbie56 wrote: We woz f*ckin cheated by that cunt ref
Outlaw gets his priorities right:
Wolves_Outlaw wrote: Not watching this sh*t anymore, off to anne summers for a dildo
Into the second half and Wolves are thrown a lifeline when the ref awards them a soft penalty:
Stonewall penalty
The right decision, poor tackle
the prince doesn't look very fresh anymore
cheating Bolton c*nts, send him off
we can win this
I need a wee but i'll hold it in
bad tackle, lucky to stay on
did the Bolton ref get confused?
Afobe you Bolton c*nt, you'd better score
3-2 to Wolves. Without a doubt
Afobe converts the penalty and it's 2-1.
Get in! Now for the winner
great penalty, two more please Afobe
Bolton fans sh*tting themselves
neil lennon looks like he's about to sh*t a medicine ball
easy 3 points from here
Bolton look beaten men
best penalty in years
we are wolves and we will be victorious!!!!
I still need a wee
Into the last 10 minutes and Wolves put Bolton under pressure:
Ginger goose?
Come Pine With Me wrote: How did the ginger goose in the Bolton goal save that?
Kenny has a medical problem:
Kenny's Jacket wrote: This ref is giving me piles
Willie concedes defeat:
Wolverhampton Willie wrote: Can't believe we're going to lose at Bolton again. how do these c*nts do it?
Another bitter Wolves fan:
Ally The Angst wrote: Did I mention if really f*cking hate Notlob?
Extra bitter:
House Of Sane wrote: I hope IS have Bolton in their sights
The final whistle goes and Bolton win 2-1. The Wolves fans are seething.
f*ck you bolton
F*CK F*CK F*CK !!!!!!
we are sh*t
Going down with the Bolton....
Did we win?
Embarrassing result, Kenny out
Bolton haven't beaten anyone in months. Step up Wolves to help them out
f*ck off you bolton w*nkers
off out to commit crimes
I didn't make it to the toilet. wife will be angry.
I can't stomach Lennon's smug ginger face on TV tonight
no pride, no passion, no balls. f*ck 'em.
Utter disgrace. Heads should roll. Literally.
I hate those c*nts
Sanjay makes an honest post:
Sanjay234 wrote: Beaten by the better team. They wanted it more and their defence was pretty sound.
Alan makes a not so honest post:
Angry Alan wrote: P*ssed all over them, only the ref stopped us winning
Last word to Neil:
Neil_Bodmin_Beast wrote: Suck my tiny c*ck Jackett you haggered old c*ntface. Week after week you pick the wrong team, the wrong tactics, and the wrong f*cking team to manage. Beaten by Bolton! I can't f*cking believe it. They are sh*t. Very sh*t. I hope you catch herpes from your dog.
To see the unedited version and join in the discussions visit our forum: Bolton Nuts
Author: Natasha Whittam