Spearing, along with the rest of the squad, returned to training on Tuesday morning. The issue has been brought to the attention of manager, Dougie Freedman, who returned on Thursday after helping the Scotland under-19's in their friendly against the Czech Republic.
Here are a some of our forum members opinions on Ibizagate
Sluffy: The problem is more to do with a complete lack of empathy. No one can begrudge anyone taking a holiday but these days of social media, the last thing that people who don't earn a fraction of what these spoon fed millionaires earn a month, wish to see are pictures of them getting sloshed in some sun, sea and sex resort whilst we are in the relegation zone and quite frankly looking relegation squarely in the face, even at such an early part of the season.
I'm old and out of touch - I know that - but to me this just shows a complete lack of professionalism. If I were the captain, I would be demanding that the players were doing more training, working on their fitness and basically leading through example - and threats if need be too.
I guess that sort of thing just isn't done these days but there simply does not seem to be any leadership at the club (at any level - although I'm really talking about on the pitch). I was never the best player in any team I played in but I always give it my best. Even if we were completely outmatched and getting stuffed by double figures, in an end of season dead rubber game, I fought as hard as I could until the end - and demanded that everyone else did too. I never gave up - what's the point in playing if you do?
I simply can't/don't understand a professional player giving anything less than his best. Have a break, have some fun by all means - but don't rub it in our faces - and don't let it effect performance on the pitch. Sadly they do - and I doubt if any one of them even knows what it is like coming off a pitch having given it their all. Pampered and spoilt. Who needs to put the hard graft in when you're on £15,000 per week? I would have done it for free just for the privilege and the opportunity. More fool me I guess.
JAH: Our club is descending below the realms it sank towards the end of the Megson reign. The fans are fed up with the lack of communication coming from the club's Communications Dept. What happened to the fans liaison, Tony Kelly? He used to be all over Twitter! Has he been silenced now as well?
It seems like the only news that comes out about our club is negative. The fans want to feel connected to the club. They want to be united behind the team and the manager. Now, only a new manager can unite the fans and the club again. Dougie has had 2 years to convince the minority of doubting fans by results on the pitch. The problem is after 2 years all fans can see that our team and players were good enough to bounce straight back up to the Premier League, if not by automatic promotion, certainly by the playoffs, and he has spent the best part of a full season getting rid of those players and replacing them with lower Championship bench warmers.
Yes, the fans have had enough and are angry that the senior officials at the club cannot see the same thing.
carrs: None of this would have happened in a normal week would it. The days off were there and used to allow Dougie Freedman to leg it up North and over the border. It would have been much better to keep all of them in the usual routine and show they are working on all those things we are told about in Freedman's post match comments. Maybe Phil thought he and board could concentrate on a new rescue plan better with everybody out of the way.
It's business as usual, we have work to do statement to the press would have gone down much better. Normal days off, analysis of performances and normal training. Oh look we could all have had a couple of days on specialist training like scoring for strikers reading the game and tackling for defenders.
Nah! Dougie wants to learn how to develop youth players.
Author: BoltonTillIDie